I have yet to mention the Admiral. One of our volunteers is, well, a retired Rear Admiral (Upper Half). He prefers that we not fly his flag when he's not in uniform, but this being Memorial Day, he couldn't not be in uniform, and one of the other volunteers and I immediately beat it up to the chart room where all the spare flags are kept. In no time, we had the blue flag with the two white stars flying in the breeze. But as the brass kept arriving, one after another, I couldn't help but be overcome by a feeling of wondering what I had gotten myself into. Besides the two-star Admiral, we also had a Commander, two Lieutenant Commanders and a Warrant Officer from the Coast Guard on hand. It wasn't until later, when GM1 and ET2 arrived to bolster the ranks of the enlisted present, that I began to feel less like the little fish in a big pond. But, as it happened, the other two enlisted were to join me for colors detail, under command of the Warrant Officer (who has some very interesting and rather funny stories, if you ever run into Mr. Walker).
(NOTE: I apologize for the crummy nature of the photo editing. I am neither a professional web designer, nor do I pretend to be. Your patience in this regard is appreciated.)
(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to all the nit-pickers who have nothing better to do than to comb through this blog and find the one, minor, insiginificant spelling mistake I made. I mean, seriously, I've been called on technical matters, and that's okay, because if I goof that up, then, yes, I want to be called on it, but, all kidding aside, a small error such as mistakenly typing "to" when I really meant "do", seriously, that's pushing it a little, don't you think? I mean, really?)
(PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The author is insane. Thanks for the catch.)
(TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: Ringraziamenti speciali a tutte le nit-raccoglitrici che non hanno più meglio niente fare che pettinarsi attraverso questo blog e trovare quello, minore, errore che insiginificant di ortografia ho fatto. Lo significo, seriamente, sono stato argomenti tecnici invitati e quello è giusto, perché se goof che su, allora, sì, io desiderano essere invitatgi, ma, interamente scherzando da parte, un piccolo errore come erroneamente battitura a macchina "a" quando realmente ho significato che "et", seriamente, che sta spingendola poco, non pensate? Significo, realmente?)